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Bluetooth adapter for use with ES-20/80 and ES-20/Kontakt os for leveringstid
Orbital shaker-incubator compact, 50 - 250 rpm, 25Kontakt os for leveringstid
Orbital shaker-incubator compact Bluetooth, 50 - 4Kontakt os for leveringstid
Orbital shaker-incubator, 50 - 250 rpm, 25 - 80°C.Kontakt os for leveringstid
Stacking kit 2x ES-20/80 for use with the ES-20/80Kontakt os for leveringstid
Stacking kit 3x ES-20/80 for use with the ES-20/80Kontakt os for leveringstid
Flask clamp for 100ml flask (Ø65 mm). Fits UP-168.Kontakt os for leveringstid
Flask clamp for 1000ml flask (Ø130 mm). Fits UP-16Kontakt os for leveringstid
Flask clamp for 250ml flask (Ø85 mm). Fits UP-168.Kontakt os for leveringstid
Flask clamp for 50ml flask (Ø50 mm). Fits UP-168.Kontakt os for leveringstid
Flask clamp for 500ml flask (Ø105 mm). Fits on UP-Kontakt os for leveringstid
Platform for 250ml flasks (16x 250-300ml flasks. EKontakt os for leveringstid
Platform for 100ml flasks (30x 100-150ml flasks. EKontakt os for leveringstid
Platform for 1L flasks (6x 1000ml flasks. ES-20/80Kontakt os for leveringstid
Platform for 500ml flasks (9x 500ml flasks. ES-20/Kontakt os for leveringstid